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Community Survey - We Want Your Feedback!

07/25/2023 2:25 pm

We want your feedback! 

In 2020, the School District of West Salem conducted a community-wide survey to guide our long-term planning process. We would like your feedback once again to measure progress we’ve made and plan for the next five years. 

District residents should have received a postcard in the mail with a unique survey code, and district parents, you should have received an email with a link to the survey, however, we have found that some addresses were missed and many emails have gone to spam or junk mail and for that, we apologize. We want to gather as much feedback as possible and we want everyone to be able to take the survey, so we have also developed the link below that can be used to access it. 

Due to some of these setbacks, we have extended the deadline to Sunday, August 13th. Please share this information with anyone within the district that may not have received the survey information. 


Thank you!

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