West Salem Middle School Student Council
Student Council is a group of 5th-8th grade students. Students complete an application process to become a member of Student Council and then applications are reviewed anonymously by the Student Council advisors. During the school year, Student Council creates our homecoming week dress-up days with a promotional video to show the entire school. We also work the concession stand when events take place in the middle school building. Students have organized fundraisers to support the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, Ronald McDonald House, and have also rung bells for the Salvation Army. Students selected to be a part of Student Council are a vital piece to encouraging a respectful, responsible, and safe environment through our school by their own actions. Definitely take the time to give Student Council a try during your middle school time!
Faculty Advisors
Martha Burdick
5th Grade Teacher
Amber Coe
8th Grade Math Teacher